Monday, April 5, 2010

(53) Cheddar Crisps & a note...

Today I got braces. I am 32 years old, and I got braces. *insert sad face here* My jaw has been giving me problems and it got so bad and my bite got so off that it was what needed to happen, sooooooooooo. Anyway, my mouth HURTS today and from what I hear, that will last a few days then I'll be back to normal. So it was like 90 today here in FL and that weather doesn't exactly scream for soup, but whatever, that's all I can handle right now, so that's what we're having! Just didn't want you to think I had lost my mind :)

Now for the recipe - this goes with the soup to follow. I had never made these before. They look so fancy-schmancy, but there's really nothing to it! Don't know why I waited so long to make them! I think you could use any kind of cheese and put these on salad plates, soups, as a garnish, etc. The baby LOVED this, too (although really, what's not to love?!). Delish and pretty!

Cheddar Crisps

Yield: Makes 8 crisps
Source: Food and Wine Magazine, February 2008

4 ounces sharp cheddar cheese, coarsely shredded (1 cup)

Preheat the oven to 350. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Sprinkle the cheese on the sheet in eight 2-inch rounds. Bake for 18 minutes, until darkened slightly. Blot the crisps with paper towels and let cool (the will harden as they cool).

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